Nordic based Equity Long-Short Strategy
Chelonia draws from an extensive equity portfolio management expertise and the investment strategy is based on Fundamental Equity Analysis.
Chelonia Select is an actively managed fund that employs a long-bias hedge fund strategy. The fund seeks to deliver alpha by taking both long and short positions in equities and equity-related instruments, as well as in bonds, fixed-income securities, and fund shares. The fund’s net exposure to the equity market ranges from 20% to 100%, while its gross exposure, calculated using the gross method, must not exceed 300% of the fund’s net asset value (NAV).
The fund does not impose geographic investment restrictions and is positioned as a global fund with a particular emphasis on the Nordic region (encompassing small to large-cap companies), Europe, and the United States. The fund’s investment process is grounded in fundamental analysis, focusing on stock picking with a value/GARP approach and maintaining a low portfolio turnover. The portfolio managers integrate thematic, evolutionary trends, and disruptive forces into their analysis to assess potential positive and negative impacts on companies.
The fund’s objective is to achieve returns that exceed the risk-free rate by at least four percentage points annually. The fund does not benchmark against any specific index but uses the STIBOR 30-day rate plus an additional four percentage points per annum as a benchmark for performance-based fees. The fund targets a risk profile, measured as the annual standard deviation of monthly returns over a rolling 12-month period, within the range of 8% to 20%. It is important to note that this risk level may fluctuate under extraordinary market conditions or events.
Fund units can be bought and sold on a monthly basis, as specified in the fund’s information memorandum. Investment in Chelonia Select is considered to carry medium-high risk, and investors should have a minimum investment horizon of three years.
Chelonia Select is an Alternative Investment Fund and does not comply with the provisions of the UCITS directive
Fund units may be marketed to both retail and professional investors in Sweden.
Magnus Angenfelt
Portfolio Manager and Partner
Fund Documents
Swedish / Dokumentation på svenska
Klicka på länk till dokument:
Chelonia Select – Förvaltaren ansöker om namnbyte och nya fondbestämmelser
Chelonia Select – Information till Andelsägare
Chelonia – Månadsuppdatering / Monthly update
Chelonia – FY2022 uppdatering / FY2022 update
Chelonia Select – Faktablad / PRIIP-KIID
Chelonia Select – Informationsbroschyr / Information Memo
Chelonia Select – Investera i Fonden
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Chelonia Select
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